Montpel’libre : the dragonfly of Liberty, from Equality to Fraternity.

Classé dans : Collaboration, Emmaüs, English, Interview, Photos, Projets | 0

Eight years spent weaving its web beyond its boundaries, disseminating ideas on computers, on technologies and on social actions, thanks to its couple of antennae; and a couple of eyes to understand the mysteries of the world around, in order to better serve it; and a couple of wings to better cover the world through accessibility and humanitarian mapping parties; three couple of legs to better grasp the transmission of the free (as in freedom) software and better cope with all the encountered difficulties : this is how is made our Dragonfly [Libellule in French] Montpel’libre

With THOT for a 2.0 solidarity

Classé dans : Collaboration, Dons, English, Interview, Photos, Projets | 0

In this world, each individual has access to Internet and is enough digital savvy to have a great influence on its social and economical environment. Each individual, fully aware of the ecological impact on our planet, generated by 60 million tons of yearly electronic waste, should be able to clean and preserve its environment.

The march of the YovoTogo children toward the digital age

Classé dans : Collaboration, Dons, English, Interview, Photos, Projets, YovoTogo | 0

With a population of 7.5 million inhabitants and an area of 56,785 Km2, the Togolese republic is a Western Africa country which economy is based mainly on food crops and phosphate mines. Its true wealth is the wide variety of landscapes going from arid plains to green valleys, passing through great savannas in the north of the country, planted with great baobab trees.

Le nouveau portail d’entrée de l’école d’Akashganga au Népal

Ailleurs Solidaires est une association humanitaire, basée dans le Calvados, dont l’objectif majeur est d’aider les enfants démunis de la “Akashganga International Academy” (elle n’a vraiment d’internationale que le nom et la volonté de l’être), école située à Katmandou au … Lire la suite­­