Podcast Projets Libres! : Emmabuntüs, Linux et réemploi

Pour le premier épisode de la troisième saison du podcast, nous découvrons la distribution Emmabuntüs. La transcription anglaise de l’interview est disponible ici.   Avec Patrick, le mainteneur d’Emmabuntüs, et Yves, un de ses contributeurs réguliers, nous abordons les sujets … Lire la suite­­

Emmabuntüs : une nouvelle mise jour de la clé USB de réemploi encore plus facile d’utilisation !

Dans le cadre de notre campagne de réemploi lancée avec Debian-Facile, Blabla Linux et Tugaleres.com en septembre 2020, nous venons de mettre en ligne la troisième version de notre clé de réemploi pour Ventoy ou MultiSystem qui permet la création … Lire la suite­­

BloLab : The First FabLab in Benin

The Republic of Benin is considered by the international experts as one of the more stable nations in Africa, thanks to its political and constitutional institutions. This state is extending its peace and stability tentacles to other domains like education, religion and obviously the information technology. This is within this good environment for developing digital projects that the maker lab named “BloLab” was born.

Emmabuntüs enters Paris Descartes university

Classé dans : English, Evénements, Jerry Do It Together, Projets | 0

This is within the framework of an academic course on “Computer Tools” that, Wednesday December 6th, Hervé – a member of our collective – made a presentation on Emmabuntüs. This course is led by Antoine Caumel and is intended for students following the Master 1 degree “Contemporary Societies : ethical, political and social challenges” of the Paris Descartes university.

Dynamics of the Free World in Ivory Coast

Here we are once again, plunged into the very heart of the Ivory Coast bright youth actions.@yiyikoh, Ovillage, JerryClan of Ivory Coast, etc, are some of the sites and projects established by young and very ambitious Ivorians, with the goal – among others – to promote the free software, to create platforms aiming for solidarity and mutual support among young entrepreneurs, and to make the entire world aware of their projects.