YovoTogo Diary 2017-1

Classé dans : Collaboration, English, Photos, Projets, YovoTogo | 0

Between October 14th and November 4th, three members of the YovoTogo association stayed at the Saint Louis Orione Center of Bombouaka, a place nicknamed “forgotten hearts heaven”.As often as possible, and depending on the availability of a decent Internet Connexion, they shared with us pictures and comments around the key points of their day-to-day activities. Hereafter their breathless diary.

Sunday October 15, 2017

This morning we went to Agbodrafo to meet with Elias (Ubuntu Elico Emmabuntus) a huge fan of the free software, with whom we communicate since more than one year. He has his own mobile phone and computer maintenance shop as well as a cyberspace featuring 7 computers. He leads a group of village youth, and their dream is to start a FabLab.

Patrick provides them with the latest version of the Emmabuntüs OS, and shows them some of the main features and functions of the system, before answering numerous questions.

After a lunch together at an eatery terrace and in the shade of a mango tree, we take a canoe tour on Togo lake which shore is looking like a leisure center during this Sunday afternoon. And a history refresh moment when we visited the “slaves house”, UNESCO classified remains of the dark days when, after the abolition of slavery, the Portuguese carried on their disastrous trade, confining in the basement of this wealthy residence the captives waiting for their embarkation.

We finish the afternoon at Lomé, seated on the beach at a table on the beach in one of the numerous refreshment bars located on the seafront, and few hundreds of meters before the Ghanaian boarder.

The original French post of this article can be found here, courtesy of our friend Ordinosor, which was itself written after the diary of the 2017 solidarity journey of our YovoTogo friends : https://www.yovotogo.fr/nos-voyages-solidaires/2017/