The Emmabuntüs Team is pleased to announce for September 1st 2014, the new Emmabuntüs 3 release 1.00 based on Xubuntu 14.04.1.
We continues on our goals:
Facilitate the work of reconditioning the computers given to humanitarian associations
Continue to collaborate with Emmaüs communities
Limit the electronic devices wastage to reduce the over consumption of raw materials
Continue to collaborate with our friends from “JerryClan” in France and Africa (Ivory Coast, Togo, Cameroon, Chad, Benin and Senegal) who develop locally innovative uses
Picture: Jerry Do It Together Abbé Pierre on Emmaüs de Montpellier Saint-Aunès Community
This new version will be presented for the first time on Jerry during the big event of the season in the world of Free Software at “Espace du Libre, des Hackers et des Fablabs” in the Festival of Humanity. We encourage you to come to visit this area , and support the crowdfunding campaign for this event on Ulule:
Except usual corrections and software updates Emmabuntüs 3 contain some innovations, particularly:
Adding extensions Startpage and HTTPS_Everywhere
Addition of Svox Pico voice syntheses tool in 5 languages
Adding OOo4Kids in 6 languages
This release is delivered as “final version”, but we recommend for the moment to continue to install Emmabuntüs 2. (next update end of October with some improvements from Emmabuntüs 3)
This version will be available on September 1st 2014, from our homepage:,
but also from this website
We encourage you to give your old computers to charities,
and support crowdfunding campaign to promote
“l’Espace du Libre, des Hachers et des FabLabs” on the Festival of Humanity.
Here are some links to install and to use this distribution:
List of applications, Installation, Personalization, but also the traditional F.A.Q.
If you have any questions or comments, you can contact us on:
Forum, Facebook,Twitter, Google+, contact