PDF version of this manual.

Manual of all the shortcuts for using the accessibility functions of Emmabuntüs Debian Edition 5 under X F C E.

Warning : these accessibility shortcuts do NOT work under Emmabuntüs’ L X Q T environment.


Note: The Super key is also called the Windows key.


Accessibility audio aid, Alt Super H

Accessibility visual aid, Alt Super V

First steps with Orca screen reader in audio, Control Super Shift H

First steps with Orca screen reader in visual mode, Control Super Shift V

Orca Screen Reader manual in audio mode, Alt Super Shift H

Orca Screen Reader manual in visual mode, Alt Super Shift V

Shortcuts audio aid compact version, Control Super S

Shortcuts visual aid compact version, Control Super V

Shortcuts audio aid full version, Control Alt Super S

Shortcuts visual aid full version, Control Alt Super V

Main accessibility applications

Launch accessibility configuration, Alt Super A

Launch Orca, Alt Super O

Launch Orca, Shift F2

Orca configuration, Alt Super S

Launch Compiz, Alt Super C

Compiz accessibility configuration, Alt Super Z

Secondary accessibility applications

Firefox ESR Internet browser, Super W

Thunderbird email client, Super M

LibreOffice Writer word processor, Super O

Visual Magnifer Glass digital magnifying glass, Super V

Elograf voice dictation, Alt Super E

Geany text editor, Alt Super G

eBook-speaker digital book audio player, Alt Super B

Evince PDF document reader, Control Super E

Gnome Calculator, Control Super C

Clementine music player, Control Super M

Daisy-player audiobook player in Daisy format on hard drive, Control Super D

Daisy-player audio book player in Daisy format on CDROM, Control Alt Super D

Calibre digital books reader, Super C

Kiwix offline encyclopedia audio player, Alt Super K

TuxTyping typing tutor for children, Alt Super T

NatBraille Braille text translator, Alt Super I

Ocrizer document scanner in OCR mode, Alt Super R

Audio playback of library digital books, Alt Super L

Visual reading of library digital books, Alt Super P


Display desktop, Alt M

Computer restart, Alt R

Computer shutdown, Alt S

Open terminal window, Super T

Open file explorer, Super E

Close window, Alt F4

Switch between windows, Alt Tab

Switch between windows in reverse order, Alt Shift Tab

Open Whisker menu, Super S

Open applications menu, Alt F1

Lists of applications in text mode, Alt F2

Lists of applications in graphic mode, Alt F3

Windows operations menu, Alt Space

Maximize window, Super Up

Hide window, Super Down

Toggle fullscreen, Alt F11

Toggle above, Alt F12

Screenshot, window or selection, Print or Alt Print or Control print

Show cursor position, Alt K

Kill an app, Control Alt escape

Audio management

Play a beep, Alt B

Increase speaker volume by 10%, Alt Shift Up Arrow

Decrease speaker volume by 10%, Alt Shift Down Arrow

Mute speaker, Alt Shift Left Arrow

Activate speaker, Alt Shift Right Arrow

Toggle speaker, Alt Shift Home Arrow

Test speaker, Alt Shift End Arrow

Increase microphone volume by 10%, Alt Super Up Arrow

Decrease microphone volume by 10%, Alt Super Down Arrow

Mute microphone, Alt Super Left Arrow

Activate microphone, Alt Super Right Arrow

Mute speaker and activate microphone, Control Super Left Arrow

Activate speaker and mute microphone, Control Super Right Arrow

Activate both speaker and microphone, Control Super Page Up Arrow

Utility management

Test of Internet connection, Alt Super X

Configure Internet devices such as Wi-Fi, Alt Super N

Update system, Alt Super U

Key lock status caps, numeric keypad, Alt Super M

Authorize remote control of your computer, Alt Super W

Capture the screen and send it to the images server, Alt Super Y

Install or update Ventoy on a USB stick, Control Super K

Accessibility interface

Stop reading interface information, Escape

Orca activation, O

Orca configuration, C

Svox Pico language audio information enabled, P

Enable eSpeak language instead of Svox Pico, E

Enable eSpeak language audio information, K

Enable Orca shortcuts for a laptop, T

Enable information about audio aid, A

Enable information about Internet connection, W

Launch LX Key Map to modify keyboard mapping, X

Keyboard audio information enabled, Y

Audio information about interface options, S

Tutorial audio reading, I

Shortcuts audio reading, H

Read again audio interface help, R

Change Svox Pico language, Control + D, E, I, F, U or G key

Change eSpeak language, Alt + first letter of the language code

Validate option changes and quit interface, Enter

Ignore option changes and quit interface, Q

Orca screen reader

The Orca key is Insert on desktop and Caps Lock on laptop.

The KP key corresponds to the numeric keypad keys.

Display the preferences configuration dialog, Orca Space

Display the application preferences configuration dialog, Orca Control space


Read loud the entire document, KP Add OR Orca semicolon

Quit the screen reader, Orca F4

Open the Find dialog, KP Delete OR Orca Opening hook

Search for the next instance of a string, Orca KP Delete OR Orca Closing hook

Search for the previous instance of a string, Orca Caps Lock KP Delete OR Orca Control Closing hook

Move the pointer to the current item, KP Divide OR Orca 9

Perform left click on current flat review item, Orca KP Divide OR Orca 7

Perform right click on the current flat review item, KP Multiply OR Orca 8

Swipe cursor

Global Review commands are designed for spatial review of items displayed on the screen. They also provide a means of reading the current line, word or character as you move through the text of a document.

Line oriented review commands

Move flat review to the home position, Orca KP 7 OR Orca Control U

Move flat review to the beginning of the previous line, KP 7 OR Orca U

Speak the current flat review item or line, Orca KP 8 OR Orca I

Spell the current flat review line, KP 8 double click OR Orca I double clic

Phonetically spell the current flat review line, KP 8 triple clickOR Orca I triple clic

Move flat review to the beginning of the next line, KP 9 OR Orca O

Move flat review to the end position, Orca KP 9 OR Orca Control O

Word oriented review commands

Move flat review to the word above the current word, Orca KP 4 OR Orca Control J

Move flat review to the previous item or word, KP 4 OR Orca J

Speak the current flat review item or word, KP 5 OR Orca K

Spell the current flat review item or word, KP 5 double click OR Orca K double click

Phonetically spell the current flat review item or word, KP 5 triple click OR Orca K triple clic

Move flat review to the next item or word, KP 6 OR Orca L

Move flat review to the word below the current word, Orca KP 6 OR Orca Control L

Character oriented review commands

Move flat review to the previous character, KP 1 OR Orca M

Speak the current flat review character, KP 2 OR Orca Comma

Phonetically speak the current flat review character, KP 2 double click OR Orca Comma double click

Speak Unicode value of the current flat review character, KP 2 triple click OR Orca Comma triple click

Move flat review to the next character, KP 3 OR Orca Point

Move flat review to the end of the line, Orca KP 1 OR Orca Control M

Additional commands

Enter and exit flat review mode, KP Subtract OR Orca P

Speak the current flat review object, KP 5 OR Orca Control K

Speak entire window using flat review, Orca Add OR Orca Semicolon double click

Verbosity of voice

Toggle whether to read just the current table cell or the whole row, Orca F11

Toggle the silencing of speech, Orca S

Toggle speech verbosity level, Orca V

System information

Present current time, Orca T

Present current date, Orca T double clic

Mode sleep

Toggle sleep mode for the current application, Alt Control Shift Q


Go to bookmark from 1 to 6, Orca 1 to 6

Add bookmark from 1 to 6, Orca Alt 1 to 6

Save bookmarks, Orca Alt B

Go to next bookmark location, Orca B

Go to previous bookmark location, Orca Shift B

Objets navigation

Go to the first child of the object with navigator focus, Orca Control Down

Go to the previous sibling of the object with navigator focus, Orca Control Left

Click on the object with navigator focus, Orca Control Return

Go to the next sibling of the object with navigator focus, Orca Control Right

Toggle simplified object navigation, Orca Control S

Go to the parent of the object with navigator focus, Orca Control Up

Navigation table

Go down one cell, Orca Shift Down

Go to the last cell in a table, Orca Shift End

Go to the first cell in a table, Orca Shift Home

Go left one cell, Orca Shift Left

Go right one cell, Orca Shift Right

Go up one cell, Orca Shift Up

Go to the bottom of the column, Orca Alt Shift Down

Go to the beginning of the row, Orca Alt Shift Left

Go to the end of the row, Orca Alt Shift Right

Go to the top of the column, Orca Alt Shift Up

Set the column to use as dynamic row headers, Orca Shift C

Clear the dynamic row headers, Orca Shift C double clic

Set the row to use as dynamic column headers, Orca Shift R

Clear the dynamic column headers, Orca Shift R double clic

Toggle table navigation keys, Orca Shift T

Item Details

Present the default button, Orca E

Read the attributes associated with the current text character, Orca F

Present the status bar, Orca KP Enter

Speak the current selection, Orca Shift Up

Present the title bar, Orca KP Enter

Perform the basic Where Am I operation, KP Enter

Perform the detailed Where Am I operation, KP Enter double clic

Learning mode

Activate the learning mode, Orca H, then press either F1 for Orca help, F2 for Orca global shortcuts or F3 for Orca contextual shortcuts.

After pressing each function key, press Escape to exit this mode.

Note : The keypad lock must not be activated, Orca H


Show actions menu, Orca Shift A

Navigation and focus modes

Orca’s navigation and focus modes allow you to switch between reading and interacting with Web content.

Toggle between navigation and focus modes, Orca A

Activate permanent focus mode, Orca A double-click

Activate permanent navigation mode, Orca A triple-click

Structural Navigation Commands

The following commands can be used to navigate by headings, links, and other elements found in applications for which Orca provides structural navigation support.

Enable/disable Structural Navigation keys, Orca Z


Next and previous link, K and Shift K

Display a list of links, Alt Shift K

Next and previous unvisited link, U and Shift U

Display a list of unvisited links, Alt Shift U

Next and previous visited link, V and Shift V

Display a list of visited links, Alt Shift V


Next and previous heading, H and Shift H

Display a list of headings, Alt Shift H

Next and previous heading at level N, 1 to 6 and Shift 1 to 6

Display a list of headings at level N, Alt Shift 1 to 6


Next and previous form field, F and Shift F

Display a list of form fields, Alt Shift F

Next and previous button, B and Shift B

Display a list of buttons, Alt Shift B

Next and previous combo box, C and Shift C

Display a list of combo boxes, Alt Shift C

Next and previous entry, E and Shift E

Display a list of entries, Alt Shift E

Next and previous radio button, R and Shift R

Display a list of radio buttons, Alt Shift R

Next and previous checkbox, X and Shift X

Display a list of checkboxes, Alt Shift X


Next and previous list, L and Shift L

Display a list of lists, Alt Shift L

Next and previous list item, I and Shift I

Display a list of list items, Alt Shift I


Next and previous table, T and Shift T

Display a list of tables, Alt Shift T

Cell on left, Alt Shift Left

Cell on right, Alt Shift Right

Cell above, Alt Shift Up

Cell below, Alt Shift Down

First cell in table, Alt Shift Home

Last cell in table, Alt Shift End

Text Blocks

Next and previous paragraph, P and Shift P

Display a list of paragraphs, Alt Shift P

Next and previous blockquote, Q and Shift Q

Display a list of blockquotes, Alt Shift Q

Next and previous “large object”, O and Shift O

Display a list of “large objects”, Alt Shift O

Other Elements

Next and previous landmark, M and Shift M

Display a list of landmarks, Alt Shift M

Next and previous separator, S and Shift S

Next and previous “clickable”, A and Shift A

Display a list of “clickables”, Alt Shift A

Next and previous image, G and Shift G

Display a list of images, Alt Shift G

Start and end of current container, Shift Comma and Comma

Thunar file system explorator


Selection change, Up or Down Arrow

Folder navigation, Right or Left Arrow

Back to the previous folder, Backspace

Go to the parent folder, Alt Up Arrow

Open the selected folder, Alt Down Arrow

Use two panels view, F3

Open address bar for direct navigation, Control L

Items selection

All items selection, Control A

Expand selection upward or downward, Shift Up or Down Arrow

Select individual items, Control Click

Operations on files

Copy selected items, Control C

Cut selected items, Control X

Paste the copied or cut items, Control V

Delete selected items, Suppression

Undo previous action, Control Z

Other shortcuts

Rename selected item, F2

View refresh, F5

Display hidden items, Control H

Open the contextual me nu, Alt Escape

Firefox internet navigator

See all Firefox shortcuts: support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/keyboard-shortcuts-perform-firefox-tasks-quickly


Open new tab, Control T

Close current tab, Control W

Reopen latest closed tab, Control Shift T

Go to next tab, Control Tab

Go to previous tab, Control Shift Tab

Select address bar, Alt D or Control L

Reload current page, F5 or Control R

Reload the page, ignoring the cache, Control Shift R

Go to previous page, Alt Left Arrow

Go to newt page, Alt Right Arrow


Place cursor in search bar, Control K

Find text on page, Control F

Find next, Control G or F3

Find previous, Control Shift G or Shift F3

Close search toolbar or quick find, Escape

Browsing the page

Select next link or input field, Tabulation

Select previous link or input field, Shift Tabulation

Go to Top of Page, Home Key or Control Up Arrow

Go to bottom of page, End Key or Control Down Arrow

Narrate mode

Switch to read mode, Control Alt R

Toggle audio playback, N


Go to the tab number, Control + 1 to 9

Open a new private browser window, Control Shift P

Open a new private browser tab, Control Shift N

Show or hide bookmarks toolbar, Control Shift B

Read Aloud Firefox audio playback extension

his extension can only work with an Internet connection, and enables the use of a wide range of free and non-free voice synthesizers. By default, we have activated the generic Read Aloud text-to-speech, which adapts the language according to the text on the page being read.

Read the page in audio playback, Alt P

Stop audio playback, Alt O

Go to next paragraph, Alt Down Arrow

Go to previous paragraph, Alt Up Arrow

Reader view another Firefox audio playback extension

This extension can be used without Internet connection, and allows you to enhance encyclopedia reading in the Kiwix reader by using the voice synthesizers present in Emmabuntüs. By default, we have activated the French version.

Switch to read mode, Alt X

Switch to audio playback mode, Control Shift S

Go to next paragraph, Control Shift Down Arrow

Go to previous paragraph, Control Shift Up Arrow

eBook-speaker audio reader for ePub formatted books

Stop Orca speech synthesis, Escape

Quit, Q

Help, H

Swap speech synthesis, T

Read selected file, Enter

Move up in the parent directory, Left Arrow

Enter the file explorer, X

Information about the current file, I

Insert a bookmark, P

Pause / resume reading, Space or 0

Look for a label, /

Mute the sound, M

Normal reading speed, Home Arrow or *

Decrease reading speed, Uppercase D or –

Increase reading speed, Uppercase U or +

Decrease speaker volume, V or 1

Increase speaker volume, Uppercase V or 7

Select the output sound device, O

Go back to the previous track or chapter, Control Left Arrow

Skip to the next track or chapter, Control Right Arrow

Daisy-player Daisy format audio book player

The shortcuts for the Daisy player are almost all the same as those for the eBook-speaker player, since both were designed by the same developer.

Only the shortcuts that are specific to the Daisy reader compared with the eBook-speaker reader are listed below.

Skip 10 seconds forwards, Right Arrow

Skip 10 seconds backwards, Left Arrow

Go to page number, Uppercase G

Switch to next level, L

Switch to previous level, Uppercase L

Evince PDF document reader

To read the content of a PDF document via Orca, first press the F7 key, then press the content reading shortcut. If Orca reads the list of signed documents, then press the F9 key to switch to the content section.

Open a document, Ctrl O

Toggle the Evince caret navigation mode, F7

Toggle bookmarks display, F9

Read the whole document, KP Addition OR Orca semicolon

Stopper reading the current sentence, Echap

Move the cursor one character left, Left Arrow

Move the cursor one character right, Right Arrow

Move the cursor one line up, Up Arrow

Move the cursor one line down, Down Arrow

Select the character before the caret cursor, Shift Left Arrow

Select the character after the caret cursor, Shift Right Arrow

Select the line above the caret cursor, Shift Up Arrow

Select the line below the caret cursor, Shift Down Arrow

Select the word before the caret cursor, Control Left Arrow

Gnome calculator

Use the Enter key on the alphabet pad to display the result, and allow Orca to automatically read it. Another press on the same Enter key recalls the previous operation, which is also read by Orca.

Note: Pressing the Enter key on the numeric keypad does not cause Orca to read the result or the previous operation on a second press.


Clear display, Escape

Clear history, Control Escape

Undo, Control Z

Redo, Shift Control Z

Switching modes

Switch to Basic mode, Control Alt B

Switch to Advanced mode, Control Alt A

Switch to Financial mode, Control Alt F

Switch to Programming mode, Control Alt P

Switch to Keyboard mode, Control Alt K

Keyboard entry

Square root, Control R

Inverse, Control I

Pi number, Control P

Entrer numbers in scientific format, Control E

Number with exponent, enter the number, then Control when entering the exponent

Programming mode

Switch to binary, Control B

Switch to octal, Control O

Switch to decimal, Control D

Switch to hexadecimal, Control H

Clementine music player


Previous track, F5

Play/Pause, F6

Stop, F7

Next track, F8

Quit program, Ctrl Q


Add file to playlist, Ctrl Shift A

Add stream to playlist, Ctrl O

New playlist, Ctrl N

Save playlist, Ctrl S

Open playlist, Ctrl Shift O

Clear Playlist, Ctrl K

Shuffle playlist, Ctrl H

Jump to current track, Ctrl J

Elograf voice dictation

The default punctuation command word is “papa” in French.

Elograf currently supports only the French language.

To write a period, cmd word + period + bar

To write period followed by an uppercase letter, cmd word + period

To write a comma, cmd word + comma

To write a semi-colon, cmd word + period + comma

To write a colon, cmd word + two + points

To write a question mark, cmd word + interrogation

To write an exclamation mark, cmd word + exclamation

To write a period followed by line feed, cmd word + period + line

To write a line feed, cmd word + line

To write a final period, cmd word + period + final

Kiwix offline encyclopedia reader server

In accessibility mode, Kiwix is launched in server mode and a script automates the reading of its content by Firefox. To use Kiwix in accessibility mode, simply type the Alt Super K shortcut.
To experience a easier reading of articles in Firefox, use its Reader View extension.

Go to search box, Alt Shift S

Go to encyclopedia home page, Alt Shift N

Go to Kiwix home page, Alt Shift W

Go to a random article page, Alt Shift D

Toggle Firefox reading mode, Alt Control R

Enable audio playback in Firefox reading mode, N

GRUB launcher in live mode

Home menu shortcuts

Play one beep to test audio output, R

Toggle text-to-speech mode, S

Go to English sub-menu, G

Go to French sub-menu, F

Go to Spanish sub-menu, N

Go to Italian sub-menu, I

Go to German sub-menu, D

Go to Portuguese sub-menu, P

Go to Danish sub-menu, K

Go to Japanese sub-menu, J

Language sub-menu shortcuts when text-to-speech mode is active

Go to previous menu, Backspace

Try Emmabuntüs without installing it in accessibility mode, T

Try Emmabuntüs without installing it in safe and accessibility modes, S

Install Emmabuntüs in accessibility mode, I

Additional French sub-menu shortcuts when text-to-speech mode is active

Install Emmabuntüs in accessibility mode, creating only partitions and user accounts, D

Install Emmabuntüs in accessibility mode, creating only partitions, P

Audio information based on Morse code

Beep, 1 short

Activate text-to-speech, Morse code S, 3 short

Disable text-to-speech, Morse code O, 3 long

Grub home screen, 1 short

English sub-menu, Morse code A, 1 short 1 long

French sub-menu, Morse code F, 2 short 1 long 1 short

Spanish sub-menu, Morse code N, 1 long 1 short

Italian sub-menu, Morse code I, 2 short

German sub-menu, Morse code D, 1 long 2 short

Portuguese sub-menu, Morse code P, 1 short 2 long 1 short

Danish sub-menu, Morse code K, 1 long 1 short 1 long

Japanese sub-menu, Morse code J, 1 short 3 long

Debian classic installation

Stop reading the current sentence, Escape

Aid, Question mark

Back to the previous menu, Lower sign

Language selection numbers, English : 20
French : 24
Spanish :
German :
Italian :
Portuguese :

Japanese :